Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Marry Christmas

Marry Christmas

Remember to keep Christ in Christmas.

While it is most likely not the actual day Jesus was born we do celebrate  his Birth on this day. Remembering that it was a prelude to His death, burial and resurrection, thus providing the opportunity for salvation to all men.

To see how to accept Jesus as savior please visit the GOD AND THE BIBLE web site.


Monday, July 16, 2012

The Higgs field and the info-verse.


For those of you who may be unfamiliar with what I mean by info-verse. Len me do a brief recap.


The term info-verse is short of information universe and it is a unification theory I have working on. It is a special interpretation of Dr. Robert Herrmann’s General Intelligent Design that postulates that our reality at it most fundamental level an information system that forms a virtual reality for conscience being such as humans to experience and live in.


I was a little slow in raising the issue of the Higgs Boson and the Higgs field because I did not have enough knowledge of the concept to see how it fit into the info-verse model. I now have that information.


One aspect of the info-verse model is that plunk length and plunk time are the smallest units of space and time. Now by definition the speed of light is 1 plunk length / plunk time. That means that for a particle to travel faster than light it actually has to skip of over some space. It also means that for a particle to travel slower than light it would have to stay in the same plunk length for more than one plunk time. One peace of the puzzle was that the number plunk times a particle would stay in one plunk length would not be constant at most velocities and I had no regulating  

agent to control this. The Higgs field turns out to be that controlling agent.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Friday, June 22, 2012

The Force of Classical Mechanics - YouTube

Mechanics is the branch of physics dealing with the behavior of physical objects when they are subjected to forces or displacements. Classical Mechanics is the field of mechanics that deals the physical laws that describe the motion of bodies under the action of a system of forces at every day sizes and velocities. Together they form bases of physics.
Classical mechanics is limited in terms of the sizes and speeds at which it is applicable. The is because when the size of the objects gets extremely small quantum mechanics comes into play but on the macroscopic level quantum mechanics produces essentially the same results as classical mechanics. Further more when the speed of the objects gets extremely fast; that is approaching the speed of light relativistic mechanics comes into play while at the speed experienced in every day life relativistic mechanics produces essentially the same results as classical mechanics. Furthermore at larger scales of size and distance celestial mechanics come into play however this is actually just an expansion of the principles of classical mechanics to larger scales.
Classical mechanics has virtually unlimited applications particularly useful at the scales of size and speed of everyday life since those were the scales it was developed on. Every aspect of human life is affected by the application of force in one manner or another. Classical Mechanics is the foundation of physics because it is where physics had it start and where its main participles were laid down. Classical Mechanics works fine within our every day experience but reaches its limits when dealing with the very fast the very small.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Double Slit Experiment II

The double slit experiment is based on the wave/particle duality of subatomic particles. What is so amazing about it is that over the years it has produced results that are among the strangest in quantum mechanics. It is the king of quantum weirdness being the strangest in science. The original double silt experiment used photons of light, but later versions used electrons but the results are the same The double slit experiment is actually responsible for starting Quantum Physics.

Over the decades numerous explanations have been proposed to explain the results of what on the surface is a very simple experiment. However resent experiments involving quantum erasure seem to have reduced the possibilities to being the information that is collected making the difference.

What seem to be happening is the in general subatomic particles tend to exist as wave functions that represent multiple possibilities. When specific information is measured about an event those possibilities are reduced to one producing the needed information. A new wave function of multiple possibilities is then produced consistent with that one possibility.

Putting it all together suggests that what we call reality is actually immaterial at its most fundamental level. At its most fundamental level the universe seems to be composed entirely of information. This makes it more like a sophisticated computer program than a world of material objects.

It is more than just the existence of the information the affects the experiment but its ability of it to eventually be accessed by the experimenter. That experimenter is ultimately a human being that is a conscience entity. The information that makes up reality seems to be calculated as need for a conscience entity so as to produce a consistent reality.

This shows that consciousness is a fundamental part of reality. This is not new age thought but what the observation of subatomic particles is actually telling us. It is consistent with the Biblical view of God as creator since the universe would be a result of His consciousness. It is also consistent with the Biblical view of God creating the Universe out of nothing.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Red Dwarf Habitable Zone Earth Size Planets are Like Venus

The Earth sits squarely in the sun’s habitable zone. A star’s “habitable zones” is the distance range around a star where planets can have liquid water on their surface. Astronomers have been excited to find that about 40% of red dwarfs have approximately Earth size planets orbiting them many of which are in the stars habitable zone. This fact has lead to the suggestion that these planet could have life on them. A new study shows that tidal forces may dry out Earth size planets orbiting within a red dwarf “habitable zones” making them more like Venus than Earth and therefore hostile to life.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Electromagnetism is the study of affects of electric charges both at rest and in motion.  It is one of the four fundamental forces of nature and it is the main binding force of the atom outside the nucleus. Electromagnetic theory is important to understanding nature. Charge is the property of subatomic particle that gives rise to electric fields.

The charge of a particle can be negative, positive, or neutral. Charge is a fundamental property of matter. Magnetism is the force of attraction or repulsion resulting from the motion of electric charges. While the force lines associated with electric charges tend to be strait, magnetic force lines tend to be circular. Electrodynamics is the branch of physics dealing with the electromagnetic forces between electric charges.

In its most basic form electrodynamics deals with the affect of charges in relative motion. It is this mutual production of electric and magnetic fields that  forms the  bases of the unification of eclectic and magnetic fields. Every thing else in electromagnetism extends from this starting principles. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Venus's rotational slowing incompatible with 4.5 billion years.

It has recently been discovered that the rotation planet Venus is slowing down. In the sixteen years between Magellan and Venus Express the period of Venus’ rotation increased 6.5 minutes.  This shows that the planets rotation has slowed significantly over the last 16 years. While not the only possible explanation the most likely one would be tidal forces with the sun. If this is the case then 4.5 billion years ago Venus would be spinning impossibly fast. The result is that Venus can not be 4.5 billion years old.  This actually works other models such as atmospheric drag as well.



The Slowing of Venus’s Rotation


Venus the strange planet





------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Genesis Mission

Creation Science Talk


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Faster than light neutrino: Not so fast

Faster than light neutrino Mystery Might be Solved


The reason why CERN and OPERA recoded faster than light neutrinos may have been found. It turns out a cable between a GPS receiver and the computer that recorded the rime was malfunctioning causing 60 nanosecond delay in the signal, making the neutrinos seem to arrive 60 nanoseconds sooner than they did.




------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Genesis Mission

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Richard Dawkins admits that God Might Exist



The high priest of Atheism Richard Dawkins has admitted that might exist after all. It is mainly a case that Dawkins is not 100% certain that He does not exist but coming from Dawkins it almost qualifies as a testimony of faith.


Dawkins thinks it highly unlikely that God exists but not that it’s defined that He does not. I wonder how he calculated those odds.



------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Genesis Mission

Creation Science Talk


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Genesis 6:9-10

Genesis 6:9-10
This is an article on the term “perfect in his generations” mentioned in Genesis 6:9-10.

Video on Motion

Relativity theory dhows that all motion is relative since it can only be measured relative to a given observer. These measurements are also reversible such that if I see someone moving a given direction at a given speed, he sees me going the opposite direction at the same speed.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Genesis 6:1-8

Genesis 6:1-8 has several interpretations. The differences in these views center on the identification of those referred two as “the sons of God” and the other details of each view extends from who “the sons of God” are identified as. There are three main views on this: Sethites, Rulers, and Fallen angels.

Another view is that the sons of God were pre Flood believers. This view has scriptural support and also explains more than it was designed to support.

Video Mercury planet pics beamed back to earth

Video Mercury planet pics beamed back to earth
Here is a video on pictures sent back from Mercury by and they are starnge.

NASA finds Geological Activity On the Moon

NASA finds Geological Activity On the Moon
This discoveries are however predicted by a Young Moon Model where the Earth-Moon system is about six thousand years old with two heating events caused by accelerated nuclear decay. There is other evidence of these two accelerated nuclear decay events here on Earth by way of helium diffusion in zircon crystals.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Double Slit Experiment in Quantum Mechanics

The double slit experiment a famous some would say infamous experiment in. The experiment requires shooting light or other subatomic particles such as electrons at a screen with two slits in it. Warning things are about to get strange. 

When the double slit experiment is done with pure waves it produces an interference pattern. On the other hand pure particles like bullets would tend to produce two lines behind the slits. However subatomic particles like photons and electrons produce a wave like interference pattern, even when shot one at a time.  It is as though each particle goes through both slits at the same time. 
Even stranger if detectors are put near the slits to check which slit each particle really goes through they produce only the two lines like bullets would. 

Even stranger yet when the detectors are on but the no data is taken the result is a wave like interference pattern suggesting it is the conscience act of observing that actually changes the result.

Such a result is consistent with the Biblical view of God as creator. From a Biblical view point the universe would have resulted from God’s consciousness and so it should not be much of a surprise that we would find such a result.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Genesis 4:25-26

Genesis 4:25-26 mentions the birth of Seth. It also indicates that Adam and Eve had had other kids since the verse uses the plural and does not just refer to Adam and Eve call on God.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Genesis 4:17-26

Genesis 4:17-26

Cain’s decedents are mentioned in Genesis 4:17-26. Naamah is one of only four pre-Flood woman refered to by name. She probably married one of Seth's male descendents. While Noah is one possibility, another possibility is that she Ham’s wife. This idea is su[[orted by mitochondrial data that shows that Mrs. Shem and Mrs. Japheth were more closely related to each other than they were to Mrs. Ham.


This video is about time what it is and how it is measure. Time is the dimension that is characterized by sequences of events. In physics it is seen as a 4th dimension.

Friday, February 17, 2012


space is more than the 3d volume we live in.Space is the 3 dimensional extent in which objects and events
occur, with a relative position to other objects and events. In a more general sense space can refer to an nth dimensional hyper-volume. General Relativity depicts space and time as a fabric that can be warped, bent, twisted, stretched and contracted. Quantum Mechanics describes subatomic particles coming and going
even in a vacuum. Space is not empty, it is not nothing. Yes I know this is a double negative however empty space is normally thought of as nothing but it is something.

Genesis 4:16-17

Cain’s wife and city he built are mentioned in Genesis 4:16-17. This brings us to the most common question asked about the Bible “Where did Cain get his wife?” The answer is so simple that most people never consider it. She was his sister.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

 Introduction to Physics

Introduction to Physics
Physics is the study of energy and matter, and the manner in which they interact with each other.

Genesis 4:3-13

Genesis 4:3-13
This is also the first death of a human being. This is sad commentary on the human race that the first child born was also the first murder and that he killed his own brother.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Science and Religion in Conflict

Science and Religion in Conflict

This video is about the conflict between Science and Religion. The scientific establishment refusal of all consideration of the supernatural mans that when mainstream science and religion deal with the same topic there will be conflict with the exception of Atheism which denies the supernatural..

Genesis 4:1-2

Genesis 4:1-2
This is an account of Adam's and Eve's fist children. It is often mistakenly assumed they Cain and Able were their only children, but that is not true. First of all later in this chapter a third son is mentioned named Seth and in the next chapter they are said to having had sons and daughters. The Bible makes it clear that Adam and Eve had many children

Monday, February 13, 2012

Genesis 3:22-24

Genesis 3:22-24
This is an article on the expulsion from the Garden of Eden mentioned in Genesis 3:22-24. This is history’s first eviction. The reason was to prevent Adam and Eve from eating from the Tree of Life. The fruit from this tree apparently had incredible healing propertied. It looks like it could have actually helped the body to repair the genetic damage of a life time that eventually leads to death.

 Science and Religion

Science and Religion
The scientific Establishment refuses to allow any consideration of God or the supernatural. They seem to really want it to be science vs religion as opposed to than Science and religion. When allowed to do so science and religion can compliment each other.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Double Slit Experiment

The Double Slit Experiment works based on the dual wave andparticle nature of subatomic particles. While it is a simple experiment it has produced some of the strangest experimental results of quantum mechanics. Originally the double silt experimentma was based on photons of light, but it later inclded using electrons. In any case the results are the same and it actually is responsible for getting Quantum Physics started.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Logical Fallacies

Logical Fallacies
This is a video about fallacies in logic. There are many more logical fallacies avoid them.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Video on Inductive Reasoning

Video on Inductive Reasoning
Inductive reasoning in logic. Inductive reasoning is reasoning that draws a general conclusion based on a set of example. Problems with Inductive Reasoning include the possibility that the sample size may be too small for a general conclusion. It is prone to being affected by philosophical assumptions and biases in selection of sample, in the patterns recognized, and in conclusions drawn from those patterns.

Genesis 3:15

Genesis 3:15
This is a prophesy that was fulfilled by Jesus Christ’s Death on the Cross. The
serpent here was under the influence of Satan and when Christ’s heel way wounded
in crucifixion, He dealt Satan a fatal blow.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Deductive Reasoning

Deductive Reasoning

Deductive reasoning goes from general to specific. Starting with a given set premises and drawing conclusions from them. Theconclusions are only as valid as the premises that are used and it only takes one false premise to produce a false conclusion.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Genesis 3:1-13

Genesis 3:1-13
This is a commentary on the fall of man as mentioned in Genesis 3:1-13.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Video on the Burden of Proof

Video on the Burden of Proof
This video is about the Burden of Proof in a discussion of ideas. Burden of Proof is the obligation of a party to provide sufficient evidence in support of their side of a dispute or issue. In practical meaning the term “burden of proof” is actually a little strong because it implies the need to prove beyond a doubt.

Genesis 2:24-25

Genesis 2:24-25
This is an article on the firmament mentioned in Genesis 2:24-25.Here is the first reference to marriage in the Bible. Note that God ordained marriage between a man and a woman so the Biblical definition of marriage is a
union between a man and a woman, referring to them as “one flesh.”

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Video on Science and Politics

Video on Science and Politics

Government can also hinder lines of research from being perused. In all fairness this is sometimes times legitimate such as preventing dangerous experimenting on humans, but other times it’s pandering to irrational fears such as those against nuclear power is a good example. Because some people can’t separate reactors from bombs, politicians have giving in to this fear hampering further development of nuclear power.

Genesis 2:21-23

Genesis 2:21-23

This is the creation of the first woman; Eve. This account is also supported by genetic evidence from mitochondrial DNA that the entire human race is descended from one woman. In the original study they referred to her as Mitochondrial Eve, showing that even the evolutionists that did the study saw the implication. They dated her to 100,000 - 200,000 years ago based on evolutionary assumptions however direct monuments of mitochondrial DNA mutation rates date her at 6,000-10,000 years which is consistent with the Biblical account.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Genesis 2:17

Genesis 2:17

This is a link to a scietific commentary on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil mentioned in Genesis 2:17.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Debate in Science

Debate in Science

This link is to a video on Debate in Science. It shows why debate is important to science.

Debate in Science

Debate in Science

This link is to a video on Debate in Science. It shows why debate is important to science.

Entropy and beginning of life

Entropy and beginning of life

This link is to an article on the affect of energy on entropy as applied to the origin of life showing abiogenes to be a thermodynamic impossibility

Ethiopian Volcano Causes Catastrophic Geology

In 2005 an Ethiopian Volcano caused Catastrophic Geology by opening a 35 mile rift in less than a week.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Genesis 2:10-14

Genesis 2:10-14

These verese describe the spliting of a single river that was going through Edenin into four rivers parting . The first two of these rivers are called the Pison and Gihon and despite the decryptions of their locations they have no match to any post Flood rivers. The third is called the Hiddekel, which is another name for the Tigris. The forth is called Euphrates, but no location is given.

Interesting note the Precambrian rock that the modern Euphrates flows over has a significant depression in it. It is possible given that the Noah's Food laid down everything above the Precambrian that this depression is the remains of the preflood Euphrates river valley.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Video on Experimentation in science.

Video on Experimentation in science.

Experimentation is the investigation of the causal relationships among variables or the testing of a hypothesis.Experimentation is an important aspect of science, in fact it is science at its best.

Video on Experimentation in science.

Video on Experimentation in science.

Experimentation is the investigation of the causal relationships among variables or the testing of a hypothesis.

Genesis 2:8-9

Read this scietific commentary on the Garden of Eden mentioned in Genesis 2:8-9

Thursday, January 26, 2012

First Falcon 9 Launch

First Falcon 9 Launch

This is link to a video of the first launch of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket with a dummy Dragon.

Video on Theoretical Systems

Commonly called a paradigm, a theoretical system is the structure of concepts used by a scientific community forming the bases for developing testable theories and interpreting data. A theoretical system is accepted as true by the scientific community that uses it and it is generally fixed and not subject to change with new data. This is true only of the core concepts to which theoretical patches are often added to make a theoretical system fit reality when reality is not what was originally expected.

Genesis 2:7

Read about the creation of man as described in Genesis 2:7. This dispels any notion of reconciling The Bible and Evolution. No surprise since the entire evolutionary theoretical system assumes as a starting assumption the Bible is wrong.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Stephen Hawking shows his anti-religious attitude

Stephen Hawking shows his anti-religious attitude

Here is an article on recent anti-religious comments by Stephen Hawking.

This article is from the  Genesis Science Mission web site.

Video Discussion of Data

Video Discussion of Data

This is a YouTube video description of data and how it is used in science.

This video is psrt of a collection on Genesis Mission's new video page.

Genesis 2:1-3

Genesis 2:1-3

The above link is to a Geneis Mission article on the seventh day mentioned in Genesis 2:1-3.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Video Comparison of Star Sizes

Video Comparison of Star Sizes

This video will make you feel small, vary vary vary vary small
Dont watch it if your suisidal please!

Mercury's magnetic field fits Russell Humphreys' Dynamic Decay theory

Mercury’s magnetic field fits creation model


Evolutionary astronomers are puzzled over Mercury’s magnetic field first it has decayed considerably, now it’s been found to be off centered by 20% of the planets radius. The decay fits what Humphreys has predicted and hi theory readily explains how it can be off center like it is.




------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Genesis Mission

Creation Science Talk





Video on Creation Science and what it is

Video on Creation Science and what it is

This is a Genesis Mission short video describing Creation Science.

Genesis 1:29-31

Genesis 1:29-31

This is an article fromn Genesis mission on the pre fall vegetarian diet mentioned in Genesis 1:29-31, it is part of a scietific cometary on Genesis.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Articles posted on reducing entropy and getting order from disorder.

I have posted a YouTube video and two website articles on reducing entropy and getting order from disorder. Bellow are links to them.


Order from Disorder - YouTube video

Entropy and Energy -Order and disorder - Genesis Science Mission

Order from Disorder - and reducing entropy - Genesis Mission

These present the thermodynamic principle for hoe one gets order from disorder and there by reducing entropy I have developed. The paper on which is waiting publication in the creation research society quarterly.




------ Charles Creager Jr.

Genesis Science Mission

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Genesis Mission

Creation Science Talk