Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Manner in Which Creationists Use the Term Evolutionist Explained

Creationists have often use the term Evolution to refer to entire naturalistic view of origins that starts with the Big Bang and goes to Man. Creationists will also use the term Evolutionist to refer to proponents of the Big Bang to Man view of origins.

The way Creationist use the terms “Evolution” and “Evolutionist” has recently come under attack. The claim is that evolution only refers to biological evolution and that Creationists are ether ignorant or misrepresenting the term Evolution. It further claims that abiogenesis, planetary formation, stellar formation and the Big Bang are all independent disciplines unrelated to evolution.

Creationists fully understand that these are different disciplines nor is Evolution being misrepresent because it is wrong to claim that they are unrelated to biological evolution. They form one complete view of origins and are referred to as evolution by main stream sources like NASA and the NSF. They use distinguishing terms like biological evolution, chemical evolution, planetary evolution, stellar evolution cosmic evolution.

Biological evolution refers to the development of life. Chemical evolution refers to the origin of life. Planetary evolution refers to formation and development of planetary bodies. Stellar evolution refers to the formation, development and death of stars. Cosmic evolution refers to the beginning, development and possible end of the universe. Some times this by itself refers the entire Big Bang to man concept.
Note that these are all labeled evolution so it is not inappropriate to refer to them all collectively as Evolution its proponents as Evolutionists. The terms Evolution and Evolutionists are often used by Creationists simply do to a lack of better terms.

I have also used the terms General Evolution and General Evolution theory to help avoid confusion.


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